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Global buyers choose this policy to recover from contagion loss, hold back $5b earnings of Bangladeshi RMG exporters; glut of work-order cancellations pushes down the sector deeper

Discount, deferred payment, auction or cancellation!

Options are being dished out by the buyers and importers of Bangladeshi garments to its makers. As Europe stutters to reopen after the coronavirus pandemic, global apparel businesses are making up their loss with money of manufacturers.


In Terms Of Number And Growth (%) Rate Bangladesh Attained The First Position In GOTS-certification In 2019

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7765 certified facilities worldwide, an increase of 35% with more than 3 million workers covered under GOTS in 2019.

Countries with largest growth in GOTS-certification in percentage in 2019 are: Bangladesh (73%), Netherlands (73%), Spain (71%), and Turkey (65%). In terms of total numbers of certified facilities, the highest increase is reported from Bangladesh (+505), followed by India (+438) and Europe (+396).

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